2024-2025 Fall Term Graduate Application Results and Registration Process

by Berker Pandır | Jul 12, 2024
2024-2025 Fall Term Graduate Application Results and Registration Process has been announced at https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/duyuru_ekler/lisansustu/202510/sonuclar/sonuclar-202510-uluslararasi.php . We congratulate the ones who achieved the opportunity to experience #ITUGraduateSchool privilege.
Dear international candidates,

2024-2025 Fall Term Graduate Application Results and Registration Process has been announced at https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/duyuru_ekler/lisansustu/202510/sonuclar/sonuclar-202510-uluslararasi.php . We congratulate the ones who achieved the opportunity to experience #ITUGraduateSchool privilege.

Candidates who are accepted to be admitted directly must complete the final registration on http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/onkayitlar/LUKabul/Kabul/ between 18 - 22 July 2024. You will be logged in with the candidate number and password given during the pre-registration phase.

Candidates who will be able to register in place of the ones who have not completed their registration will be announced on 24th July.

2024-2025 Fall Term Graduate Application Results and Registration Process

by Berker Pandır | Jul 12, 2024
2024-2025 Fall Term Graduate Application Results and Registration Process has been announced at https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/duyuru_ekler/lisansustu/202510/sonuclar/sonuclar-202510-uluslararasi.php . We congratulate the ones who achieved the opportunity to experience #ITUGraduateSchool privilege.
Dear international candidates,

2024-2025 Fall Term Graduate Application Results and Registration Process has been announced at https://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/duyuru_ekler/lisansustu/202510/sonuclar/sonuclar-202510-uluslararasi.php . We congratulate the ones who achieved the opportunity to experience #ITUGraduateSchool privilege.

Candidates who are accepted to be admitted directly must complete the final registration on http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/onkayitlar/LUKabul/Kabul/ between 18 - 22 July 2024. You will be logged in with the candidate number and password given during the pre-registration phase.

Candidates who will be able to register in place of the ones who have not completed their registration will be announced on 24th July.