2021 Best PhD Thesis Award Results

by Gökhan Güler | Jun 23, 2022
Results of 2021 Best PhD Thesis Award has been announced. Click for details.

Results of 2021 Best PhD Thesis Award has been announced.

# Student Number Student Name Student Surname Program Advisor Co-advisor Thesis Title
1 521102005 Faiz MUHAFFEL Materials Science and Engineering Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇİMENOĞLU Novel Approaches for Protection of Light Metals Under Various Wear Conditions Via Micro Arc Oxidation Process
2 708172001 Kamil KARAÇUHA Information and Communication Engineering Prof. Dr. Eldar VELİYEV Doç. Dr. Vasıl TABATADZE The Fractional Derivative Approach to The Solution of Diffraction Problem for The Strip
3 511162104 Demet ÇİLDEN GÜLER Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Prof. Dr. Cengiz HACIZADE Prof. Dr. Zerefşan KAYMAZ Development of Single-Frame Methods aided Kalman-Type Filtering Algorithms for Attitude Estimation of Nano-Satellites
4 802142003 Seyed Mohsen SEYEDI VIAND Earthquake Engineering Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Esra Ece BAYAT Yapı Temelleri Altında Kısmi Doygun Kumların Dinamik Davranışı
5 509152100 Eda KILINÇARSLAN Physics Engineering Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk DAYI Relativistic and Non–Relativistic Kinetic Theories of Chiral Fermions
6 505132309 Zeynep DÖNER Geological Engineering Prof. Dr. Mustafa KUMRAL Unconventional Gas System Characteristics and Depositional Environment Modeling of Silurian Mudstones: Central Taurides and Western Pontides, Turkey
7 509152007 Nazlı FARAJZADEH Chemistry Prof. Dr. Makbule KOÇAK 4-(Triflorometoksi)Fenoksi Grupları İçeren Ftalosiyaninlerin Sentezi, Tıpta, Biyolojide ve İleri Teknolojide Kullanılabilirliklerinin Araştırılması
8 403122014 Kubilayhan GÖÇ Management Prof. Dr. Fatma KÜSKÜ AKDOĞAN Sürdürülebilir İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminin Uygulanırlığı: Türkiye Örneği
9 502142408 Murat AYDIN Construction Sciences Prof. Dr. Hakan YAMAN Türkiye'deki Konut Projeleri İçin BIM Tabanlı Otomatik Bina Yönetmelik Uygunluk Kontrol Modeli: BIMTRAC3
10 507162101 Ali KARAŞAN Industrial Engineering Prof. Dr. Cengiz KAHRAMAN Novel Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods using Intuitionistic Fuzzy, Pythagorean Fuzzy, and Neutrosophic Sets
11 501132605 Merve KESKİN Geomatics Engineering Doç. Dr. Ahmet Özgür DOĞRU Prof. Dr. Philippe DE MAEYER Exploring The Cognitive Processes of Map Users Employing Eye Tracking and EEG
12 504122004 Tayfun GÜNDOĞDU Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. Güven KÖMÜRGÖZ KIRIŞ Design and Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Machines Equipped with Novel Semi-Overlapping Windings for Electric Vehicle Applications
13 502122811 Sezen TARAKÇI Urban and Regional Planning Prof. Dr. Şevkiye Şence TÜRK Kentsel Yenileme Alanlarında Arazi Değer Artışlarının Kamuya Kazandırılması İçin Yöntem Önerisi: Fikirtepe Örneği
14 501152710 Ayşe YÜKSEKDAĞ Environmental Sciences and Engineering Prof. Dr. İsmail KOYUNCU Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Waste and Wastewater
15 506142507 Gülay ÖZKAN Food Engineering Prof. Dr. Esra ÇAPANOĞLU GÜVEN Effects of Novel Food Processing Techniques on Bioaccessibility and Transepithelial Transport of Cranberrybush Polyphenols
16 507162015 Nada CHAARI Management Engineering Prof. Dr. Hatice CAMGÖZ AKDAĞ Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İslem REKİK Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data Prediction: Estimation of Connectional Brain Template and Multigraph Classification with Application to Gender Fingerprinting
17 502142901 Ahmet HAMURCU Industrial Design Prof. Dr. Şebnem TİMUR Prof. Dr. Kerem RIZVANOĞLU An Action Research on The Integration of Virtual Reality into Industrial Design Education

2021 Best PhD Thesis Award Results

by Gökhan Güler | Jun 23, 2022
Results of 2021 Best PhD Thesis Award has been announced. Click for details.

Results of 2021 Best PhD Thesis Award has been announced.

# Student Number Student Name Student Surname Program Advisor Co-advisor Thesis Title
1 521102005 Faiz MUHAFFEL Materials Science and Engineering Prof. Dr. Hüseyin ÇİMENOĞLU Novel Approaches for Protection of Light Metals Under Various Wear Conditions Via Micro Arc Oxidation Process
2 708172001 Kamil KARAÇUHA Information and Communication Engineering Prof. Dr. Eldar VELİYEV Doç. Dr. Vasıl TABATADZE The Fractional Derivative Approach to The Solution of Diffraction Problem for The Strip
3 511162104 Demet ÇİLDEN GÜLER Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Prof. Dr. Cengiz HACIZADE Prof. Dr. Zerefşan KAYMAZ Development of Single-Frame Methods aided Kalman-Type Filtering Algorithms for Attitude Estimation of Nano-Satellites
4 802142003 Seyed Mohsen SEYEDI VIAND Earthquake Engineering Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Esra Ece BAYAT Yapı Temelleri Altında Kısmi Doygun Kumların Dinamik Davranışı
5 509152100 Eda KILINÇARSLAN Physics Engineering Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk DAYI Relativistic and Non–Relativistic Kinetic Theories of Chiral Fermions
6 505132309 Zeynep DÖNER Geological Engineering Prof. Dr. Mustafa KUMRAL Unconventional Gas System Characteristics and Depositional Environment Modeling of Silurian Mudstones: Central Taurides and Western Pontides, Turkey
7 509152007 Nazlı FARAJZADEH Chemistry Prof. Dr. Makbule KOÇAK 4-(Triflorometoksi)Fenoksi Grupları İçeren Ftalosiyaninlerin Sentezi, Tıpta, Biyolojide ve İleri Teknolojide Kullanılabilirliklerinin Araştırılması
8 403122014 Kubilayhan GÖÇ Management Prof. Dr. Fatma KÜSKÜ AKDOĞAN Sürdürülebilir İnsan Kaynakları Yönetiminin Uygulanırlığı: Türkiye Örneği
9 502142408 Murat AYDIN Construction Sciences Prof. Dr. Hakan YAMAN Türkiye'deki Konut Projeleri İçin BIM Tabanlı Otomatik Bina Yönetmelik Uygunluk Kontrol Modeli: BIMTRAC3
10 507162101 Ali KARAŞAN Industrial Engineering Prof. Dr. Cengiz KAHRAMAN Novel Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods using Intuitionistic Fuzzy, Pythagorean Fuzzy, and Neutrosophic Sets
11 501132605 Merve KESKİN Geomatics Engineering Doç. Dr. Ahmet Özgür DOĞRU Prof. Dr. Philippe DE MAEYER Exploring The Cognitive Processes of Map Users Employing Eye Tracking and EEG
12 504122004 Tayfun GÜNDOĞDU Electrical Engineering Prof. Dr. Güven KÖMÜRGÖZ KIRIŞ Design and Analysis of Interior Permanent Magnet Machines Equipped with Novel Semi-Overlapping Windings for Electric Vehicle Applications
13 502122811 Sezen TARAKÇI Urban and Regional Planning Prof. Dr. Şevkiye Şence TÜRK Kentsel Yenileme Alanlarında Arazi Değer Artışlarının Kamuya Kazandırılması İçin Yöntem Önerisi: Fikirtepe Örneği
14 501152710 Ayşe YÜKSEKDAĞ Environmental Sciences and Engineering Prof. Dr. İsmail KOYUNCU Recovery of Rare Earth Elements from Waste and Wastewater
15 506142507 Gülay ÖZKAN Food Engineering Prof. Dr. Esra ÇAPANOĞLU GÜVEN Effects of Novel Food Processing Techniques on Bioaccessibility and Transepithelial Transport of Cranberrybush Polyphenols
16 507162015 Nada CHAARI Management Engineering Prof. Dr. Hatice CAMGÖZ AKDAĞ Dr. Öğr. Üyesi İslem REKİK Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data Prediction: Estimation of Connectional Brain Template and Multigraph Classification with Application to Gender Fingerprinting
17 502142901 Ahmet HAMURCU Industrial Design Prof. Dr. Şebnem TİMUR Prof. Dr. Kerem RIZVANOĞLU An Action Research on The Integration of Virtual Reality into Industrial Design Education