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SESSION I/A | SESSION II/A | ||||||||||||||||
Atmospheric Sciences | Hydraulics and Water Resources | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Ceyhan KAHYA, Ph.D. | Chair: Mehmet C. DEMİREL, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96887938396?pwd=VVNZSVU0YjdRRCtMQ1VUWFR3OWN6Zz09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96887938396?pwd=VVNZSVU0YjdRRCtMQ1VUWFR3OWN6Zz09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Fog Analysis at Kars Harakani Airport Last Decade: In 8-9-10 February 2013 Case Study | 14:15-14:30 | Drought Analysis of Küçük Menderes Water Basin | ||||||||||||||
Gülneşe UĞURLUEL, Ali DENİZ, Emrah T. ÖZDEMİR | Ahmet F. İPEK, Ercan KAHYA | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, DMİ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | Lightning Analysis With WRF Regional Model : Istanbul Case Study | 14:30-14:45 | The Effects of Different Potential Evapotranspiration Data on the Performance of Two Hydrologic Models for the Konya Closed Basin in Turkey | ||||||||||||||
Kerim A. KORKMAZ, Ahmet D. ŞAHİN | Özgür YILMAZ, Mehmet C. DEMİREL | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Prediction of Flood Runoff by Coupling WRF-ARW and HEC-HMS Models, Ergene Basin | 14:45-15:00 | Developing Data Driven Models for the Estimation of Grate Inlet Hydraulic Efficiency | ||||||||||||||
Fatma B. DEMİR, Sevinç ASİLHAN SIRDAŞ | Kayhan BAYHAN, Mehmet ÖZGER | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Development of Satellite-Based Precipitation Algorithm for Turkey by Using AMSU B and MHS Data | 15:00-15:15 | Calibration of a Distributed Hydrologic Model for Konya Closed Basin Using Multi Gauge Discharge Data | ||||||||||||||
Melek AKIN, Ahmet ÖZTOPAL | Enes ERGÜN, Mehmet C. DEMİREL | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Investigation of the Effect of the Covid-19 Epidemic on Air Pollution from Aircraft Emissions; Istanbul Airport Example | 15:15-15:30 | Hydrological Model Structure and Calibration Algorithm Effect on Discharge Simulation Performance | ||||||||||||||
Caner ALABAY, Ayşe G. TANIK | Harun ALP, Mehmet C. DEMİREL, Ömer L. AŞIKOĞLU | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, EÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:45-14:00 | Potential Effects of Climate Change on Black Sea Water Temperatures | 15:30-15:45 | Identification of Dry Periods from Standardized Precipitation Index Time Series in Gediz River Basin | ||||||||||||||
Ufuk ÖZKAN, Bilge TUTAK | Işılsu YILDIRIM, Hafzullah AKSOY, Markus HRACHOWITZ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, TU Delft | ||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/B | SESSION II/B | ||||||||||||||||
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering | Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Halit S. TÜRKMEN, Ph.D. | Chair: Özge ÖZDEMİR, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/97340377175?pwd=bGdLZWZhaDBaZlo1VlpsTzIwNHJudz09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/97340377175?pwd=bGdLZWZhaDBaZlo1VlpsTzIwNHJudz09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Flight Safety Risk Awareness at Flight Test Activities with Analytical Hierarchy Process Method | 14:15-14:30 | Transonic Aeroelastic Instability for Aircraft Wings | ||||||||||||||
İbrahim ÖZKOL, Yusuf AKGÜR | Sefa ÖKSÜZ, Seher EKEN, Ceyhun TOLA | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, ASELSAN | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | Robust Maneuver for F-16 Aircraft Model: Comparison Matlab/Simulink Results | 14:30-14:45 | Genetic Algorithm Based Aerodynamic Design Optimization of an Airfoil for Fixed Wing Reconnaissance UAV with XFOIL and MATLAB for Maximum Aerodynamic Efficiency | ||||||||||||||
Orhan KARA, Elbrus CAFEROV | Kağan ÜN, Kaan YILDIZ, Metin O. KAYA | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Aircraft Trajectory Optimization Under Wind Effect by Using Optimal Control: Environmental Impact Assessment | 14:45-15:00 | An FPGA Based Sine Function Computer Design Using Controller and Datapath Architecture | ||||||||||||||
Fulin SEZENOĞLU, Barış BAŞPINAR, İbrahim ÖZKOL | Sezer MEMİŞ, Ramazan YENİÇERİ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Non-Linear Time Domain System Identification of F-16 Aircraft | 15:00-15:15 | Application of Analytical and Semi-Numeric Analytical Solution Methods for Non-Linear Oscillating Mechanical Systems | ||||||||||||||
Muhammad A. SAEED, Fatih EROL | Esra DEMİR, İbrahim ÖZKOL | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Mechanically Behaviour of the Composite Sandwich Plates Under Blast Loading | 15:15-15:30 | Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of AGARD 445.6 Wing | ||||||||||||||
Yusuf S. ODMAN, Vedat Z. DOĞAN | Berk KÜÇÜK, Seher EKEN, Ceyhun TOLA | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, ASELSAN | ||||||||||||||||
13:45-14:00 | Effects of Thermal Loading and Material Distribution on the Vibration Characteristics of Rotating Double Tapered Blades | 15:30-15:45 | Computational Ballistic Impact Analysis for Different Types of Weave Fabric | ||||||||||||||
Büşra DURMAZ, Özge ÖZDEMİR | L. Taha HALICI, Seher EKEN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/C | SESSION II/C | ||||||||||||||||
Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genetics | Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genetics | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Nevin GÜL KARAGÜLER, Ph.D. | Chair: Zeynep Petek ÇAKAR, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/97396684059?pwd=eFFpaEJtdms1Y0hFNmE1ZmVMWXQ4Zz09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/97396684059?pwd=eFFpaEJtdms1Y0hFNmE1ZmVMWXQ4Zz09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Recombinant Production and Characterization of Chitinase from Pseudomonas mandelii KGI_MA19 | 14:15-14:30 | Controlled Release of Tetracycline Hydrochloride from Silica Based Polycaprolactone Nanohybrides | ||||||||||||||
Emine T. SARAÇ CEBECİ, Nevin G. KARAGÜLER | Aybüke CENGİZ, Yasemin KAPTAN , Yüksel GÜVENİLİR | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, YOBÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | Biopolymer Production Via Enzymatic Polymerization Method for Medical Use | 14:30-14:45 | Genetic Stability Analysis of Boron Stress-Resistant Saccharomyces cerevisiae | ||||||||||||||
Mete DERVİŞCEMALOĞLU, Cansu ÜLKER TURAN, Yüksel GÜVENİLİR | Enes F. TEZCAN, Ömer ESEN, Kutlu ÜLGEN, Zeynep P. ÇAKAR | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, BOÜN | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Biochemical Characterization of Truncated Amylopullulanase from Thermoanaerobacter brockii brockii | 14:45-15:00 | Stress Resistance Analysis of Yeast Strains with Mitotic Exit-Related Gene Deletions | ||||||||||||||
Aycan KAYRAV, Hande MUMCU TOPALOĞLU, Nevin G. KARAGÜLER | Rüveyda GARGI, Alican TOPALOĞLU, Ayşe KOCA ÇAYDAŞI, Zeynep P. ÇAKAR | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, Koç Üni. | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Genome Wide Identification of Stable Intronic Sequence RNAs Under Apoptotic Conditions in HeLa Cells | 15:00-15:15 | First Report of Open Reading Frame (ORF) and Indel Polymorphisms of the Prion Protein Gene (PRNP) in Eswatini indigenous Cattle Breed Bos indicus and Bos Taurus Africanus | ||||||||||||||
Merve KARA, Dilek C. GÜRER, İpek ERDOĞAN VATANSEVER, Bünyamin AKGÜL | Pumla Bhekiwe MANYATSİ, Hüseyin CAN, Sedef ERKUNT ALAK, Ahmet Efe KÖSEOĞLU, Mervenur GÜVENDİ, Cemal ÜN | ||||||||||||||||
İYTE | EÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | The Genome-wide Investigation of lncRNA-chromatin Interaction in HeLa cells | ||||||||||||||||
Melis ATBİNEK, İpek ERDOĞAN VATANSEVER, Dilek C. GÜRER, Bünyamin AKGÜL | |||||||||||||||||
İYTE | |||||||||||||||||
13:45-14:00 | A CRISPR/cas9 Vector Construction for Engineering of Bacilysin Biosynthetic Operon in B. subtilis PY79 | ||||||||||||||||
Hadeel W. ABDULMALEK, Ayten YAZGAN KARATAŞ | |||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | |||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/D | SESSION II/D | ||||||||||||||||
Economics | Economics | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Bülent GÜLOĞLU, Ph.D. | Chair: Resul AYDEMİR, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95817934295?pwd=NkdBVFVuK29DS0JTK2VIaTNyRnRlUT09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95817934295?pwd=NkdBVFVuK29DS0JTK2VIaTNyRnRlUT09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | The Effect of Lecture Time on Student Outcome, Cross-Country Study with TIMSS Data | 14:15-14:30 | Net Neutrality in Oligopolistic Models of Content Provision and Internet Service Provision Markets | ||||||||||||||
Eylül Berke ÖZGEN | Turgut ERKUL | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | A Dutch Disease Approach into the Premature Deindustrialization | 14:30-14:45 | The Relationship Between Device Diversity and Disparities in Online Engagement | ||||||||||||||
Muhammet S. ÇAKIR | Deniz E. DALGIÇ TETİKOL, Bülent GÜLOĞLU, Emin KÖKSAL | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, Bahçeşehir Üni. | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of the Effects of Energy Price Shocks on Agricultural Commodities | 14:45-15:00 | The Effect of Virtual and Augmented Reality Technology on Investment and Operating Cost Application Example on Machining Investment | ||||||||||||||
Zehra ATİK, Bülent GÜLOĞLU | İbrahim MURAD, Nihan YILDIRIM | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Air Travel Demand in Covid-19 Pandemic | 15:00-15:15 | Network Neutrality Regulation on the Two-Sided Internet Market Constituted by Congestion Sensitive End Users and Content Providers | ||||||||||||||
Mehmet M. DEĞİRMENCİ | Özgür KAPLANLIOĞLU, Bülent GÜLOĞLU | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Rationing for Islamic Inheritance Disputes | 15:15-15:30 | Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Performance of Large-Scale Private Banks in Turkey | ||||||||||||||
Burak DOĞAN, Sinan ERTEMEL | Ömer F. KARA, Kaya TOKMAKÇIOĞLU | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:45-14:00 | The Effect of COVID-19 Outbreak, Energy Prices, and Policy Uncertainty on Financial Development in Turkey: Evidence from QARDL Approach | 15:30-15:45 | Capital Inflows to Emerging Economies | ||||||||||||||
Derese K. TEKLİE, Muhammet DOĞAN | Anıl TUĞRAL, Mete H. YAĞMUR | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/E | SESSION II/E | ||||||||||||||||
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Melek EROL, Ph.D. | Chair: F. Elif GENCELİ, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/91070580510?pwd=THdSUEVXUUdxaHRKLzFtOUE1LzVvZz09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/91070580510?pwd=THdSUEVXUUdxaHRKLzFtOUE1LzVvZz09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Evaluation of Kinetic Models Via Computational Optimization Techniques for Direct Syngas-TO-Olefins Process | 14:15-14:30 | Investigation of the Activation Routes and Nitrogen Doping on Carbon Residues from High Temperature Pyrolysis of Lignocellulosic Wastes | ||||||||||||||
Kerem BÜLBÜL, Abdullah Z. TURAN, Alper SARIOĞLAN, Gamze BEHMENYAR, Özlem ATAÇ | Pınar KURTULUŞ, Hasan C. OKUTAN, Alper SARIOĞLAN, Cansu YILDIRIM, Yusuf T. KILIÇ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, TÜBİTAK | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | Derivation of Carbon Adsorbents from UiO-67 Metal Organic Framework to Removal of Indole from Liquid Fuels | 14:30-14:45 | Photocatalytic Activity of Hydroxyapatite/Graphene Oxide Composite for Degradation of Ciprofloxacin in Aqueous Solution | ||||||||||||||
Çağla BULUT, Şahika S. BAYAZİT, Melek TÜTER | Zozan GÜL, Tuğba HAYRİ ŞENEL, Ebru KAHRAMAN, Nalan ERDÖL AYDIN, Gülhayat NASÜN SAYGILI | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, Beykent Üni. | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Synthesis of Porous Boron Carbon Nitride (BxCyNz) and Usage in Wastewater Treatment | 14:45-15:00 | The Production of H.P.Oil Incorporated Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU) Nanofibers for the Wound Dressing Applications by Emulsion Electrospinning Technique | ||||||||||||||
Sibel ŞENTÜRK, Hale GÜRBÜZ | Rüya KESKİNKAYA, Arzu YILDIRIM, Şeyma ÇAĞLAYAN, Eray S. ERDOĞAN, Yurdanur TÜRKER, Fatma S. GÜNER, Melek M. EROL TAYGUN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ, YTÜ, Sabancı Üni. | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Characterization Studies of W-1 wt.% Ni Matrix Composites Reinforced with CeB6 Particulates by Powder Metallurgy Methods | 15:00-15:15 | Rethinking the Design of a Hybrid Extraction-Distillation Process for Purification of Biobutanol from ABE Fermentation Broth | ||||||||||||||
Burçak BOZTEMUR, M. Lütfi ÖVEÇOĞLU, Duygu AĞAOĞULLARI | Haniyeh KARDAN, Devrim B. KAYMAK | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Fabrication of Enhanced Core-Shell Co-ZIF-67@MOx (M = Zn, Mn and K) Nanocomposites via Intermediate Pyrolysis and Plasma Treatment for Fischer Tropsch Synthesis | 15:15-15:30 | Enhancing the Performance of Freezers with Phase Change Materials | ||||||||||||||
Yavuz AYDEMİR, Yasaman FALLAHİ, Utku BURGUN, Alper SARIOĞLAN, Gamze GÜMÜŞLÜ GÜR, Sogand AGHAMOHAMMADİ | Bercem KIRAN YILDIRIM, Sinem ÜNAL, Özlem DURSUN, Sena Simay ÖZCAN, Sena GÖK, Ebru MANCUHAN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University | MÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:45-14:00 | Examination of Phosphorus (V) Oxychloride Solutions as Alternative Phase Change Materials in Cold Storage for Tropical Fruits | 15:30-15:45 | Chlorodimethylsilane-Mediated Reductive Etherification Reaction for Postpolymerization Modification of Aldehyde Functional Polymers | ||||||||||||||
Bercem KIRAN YILDIRIM, Azra ERSOY, Nurgül DEMİR, Sevval İĞCİ, Salih K. ÖZTÜRK, Sibel TİTİZ SARGUT, Ebru MANCUHAN | Emre AKAR, Serter LÜLEBURGAZ, Hakan DURMAZ | ||||||||||||||||
MÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/F | SESSION II/F | ||||||||||||||||
Textile Engineering | Structural Engineering | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Fatma KALOĞLU, Ph.D. | Chair: Ü. Fatih SÜTÇÜ, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/92394604093?pwd=eVRjL0EzOCtHajhKMlBCNStPTFdlUT09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/92394604093?pwd=eVRjL0EzOCtHajhKMlBCNStPTFdlUT09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Design of a Movable Hotplate System for the Measurement of Forced Heat Convection | 14:15-14:30 | Dynamic Response of RC Chimney Under Seismic Excitations | ||||||||||||||
Sena CİMİLLİ DURU, Mustafa Y. GÖKASLAN, Cevza CANDAN, Mustafa ÖZDEMİR, Hacer M. BULUT | Abdul HAYIR, Ammar ALESMAİL, Mutz ALZOUABİ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | A Study Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method to Increase Capacity and Develop Strategies for the Turkish Clothing Industry | 14:30-14:45 | Investigation of the Performance of Seismic Base-Insulated Buildings Built on Weak Soil | ||||||||||||||
Sümeyye GÖRKEM, Selin H. ERYÜRÜK | Gökay DENİZ, Yasin FAHJAN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Characterization of Copper-based Coatings Developed for Functional Textiles | 14:45-15:00 | Investigation of the Effect of Structure-Pile-Soil Interaction on the Earthquake Performance of a Multi-Storey Reinforced Concrete Building to be Designed According to the Turkish Building Earthquake Code | ||||||||||||||
Bilge KOYUNCU, Nebahat ARAL, Cevza CANDAN, Banu NERGİS | Esma GİRER, Yasin FAHJAN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, Yeditepe Üni. | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Borage Oil and Hypericum Perforatum Oil Containing Nanofibers for Atopic Dermatitis Treatment |
15:00-15:15 | Impact of Differential Support Settlement on Seismic Capacity of a Substandard RC Frame with Plan Irregularity | ||||||||||||||
Nursema PALA, Nebahat ARAL, Banu NERGİS | Ufuk YAZGAN, Feras ABLA, Shahin HUSEYNLİ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, Yeditepe Üni. | İTÜ, Baku Engineering University | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Polydimethylsiloxane Based Polymers and Their Applications in Textle Finishing and Improving Antibacterial Properties of Cotton Fabrics | ||||||||||||||||
Kadriye E. KAMERTAY KURTTAY, Nesrin KÖKEN | |||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | |||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/G | SESSION II/G | ||||||||||||||||
Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Mustafa GENÇOĞLU, Ph.D. | Chair: Ali SARI, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96603317467?pwd=d0czVTBabFhid2MzZlZvMDFIbURNQT09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/96603317467?pwd=d0czVTBabFhid2MzZlZvMDFIbURNQT09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Incrementally Launched Bridge Design | 14:15-14:30 | Rapid Damage Detection from Post-Earthquake City Surveillance Camera Images Using Machine Learning Algorithms (Case Study: 1999 Marmara Earthquake) | ||||||||||||||
Alper NAYCI, Kutlu DARILMAZ | Murat KOCAKAPLAN, Yasin FAHJAN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | The Multiple Plastic Hinge Practise for Columns in the Nonlinear Performance Evaluation of RC Buildings | 14:30-14:45 | An Experimental Investigation on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Clayey soils Treated with Recycled Fine Aggregate (RCFA) | ||||||||||||||
Recep VARAN, Ercan YÜKSEL | Hashem KISHKO, Z. Nil KUTLU, Aykut ŞENOL, A. Onur PEHLİVAN | ||||||||||||||||
GTÜ, İTÜ | İTÜ, Maltepe Üni. | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Importance of Trend Topics for Graduate Students in Construction Management |
14:45-15:00 | The Effect of Coarse Aggregate Concentration on The Bond Stress vs. Slip Relation Between Low-Strength Concrete and Reinforcing Steel | ||||||||||||||
Vedat NALİOĞLU, Neziha YILMAZ, M. Emre BAYRAKTAR | Osama A. KAF | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Fragility Curves for Buildings Retrofitted with Different Methods | 15:00-15:15 | Performance Verification of Transparent and Flexible Material for Manufacturing an Enhanced Transparent Impermeable Laminar Soil Container | ||||||||||||||
Mahmoud SHANAAH, Osman BULUT, Yasin FAHJAN | Omid BAGHERİ, Esra E. BAYAT | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Out-of-plane Shake Table Tests on Solid and Double-leaf Masonry Walls | 15:15-15:30 | The Use of Digital Twin Technology for Facility Management in an Infrastructure Project: A Case Study of Istanbul Airport | ||||||||||||||
Alvand MOSHFEGHİ, Eleni SMYROU, Onur ARSLAN, İhsan E. BAL | Muhittin E. YILDIRIM, Mehmet E. BAYRAKTAR, Mehmet SAKİN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ, Hanze University of Applied Sciences | İTÜ, HKÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:45-14:00 | Effects of Fine Content on Mechanical Behavior of a Rock Quarry Residue | 15:30-15:45 | Behavior of Hexagonal Shaped Arglass Composite Specimens Under Compressive and Tensile Loads | ||||||||||||||
Beyza ÖZULU, Gökhan ÇEVİKBİLEN, Berrak TEYMUR | Aras ARSLAN, Mustafa GENÇOĞLU | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/H | SESSION II/H | ||||||||||||||||
Architectural History | Architecture | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Deniz MAZLUM, Ph.D. | Chair: Şehnaz Cenani DURMAZOĞLU, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/94330209078?pwd=c3ZhbThHUUFPazh4eVhrdjJvenFzQT09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/94330209078?pwd=c3ZhbThHUUFPazh4eVhrdjJvenFzQT09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | Reading the Ottoman Perception of Archeological Finds Through the Archive: The Case of Khorsabad Excavation (1843-1844) | 14:15-14:30 | Architect Perpignani and His Apartment Block in Pera: Transformation of a Family House in Early 20th Century | ||||||||||||||
Selma SALTOĞLU | Bersu ÇELİK, Deniz MAZLUM | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | Tahsin Öz and the Years of World War II: Exhibition Spaces and Doors of Topkapı Palace | 14:30-14:45 | Sustainable Adaptive Reuse of Complex Buildings | ||||||||||||||
Merve YÜCETÜRK | Dilay ÖZCAN, Özge CORDAN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Fluxus Movement in Architecture: George Maciunas’ Fluxus Cooperatives | 14:45-15:00 | The Spaces of Samsun Nation Schools (1928-1935) | ||||||||||||||
Şeyda ASLANDOĞAN TEMEL | Ayşenaz SÖNMEZ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | In the Period of the Republic of Türkiye, Urban Change and Transformation of Üsküdar | 15:00-15:15 | Conservation Approaches for Urban and Heritage Values in Kurtuluş (Tatavla) | ||||||||||||||
Hacer TURAN, Murat GÜL | Çağlasu ARTUÇ, Yıldız SALMAN | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Temporary Structures and Daily Practices in Public Spaces After Modernity: Case of Ephemerality in Üsküdar Pier Square | 15:15-15:30 | Multi-Layered Settlements and Conservation Problems in the Cappadocia Region: The Case of Ürgüp - Akköy Village | ||||||||||||||
Nil DÖĞERLİOĞLU, İbrahim B. DAĞGÜLÜ | Sena KURÇENLİ KOYUNLU, Yegan KAHYA SAYAR | ||||||||||||||||
YTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
15:30-15:45 | The Impact of Tourism in Historical Sites of Turkey | ||||||||||||||||
Şeyda ŞEN, Yıldız SALMAN | |||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | |||||||||||||||||
SESSION I/I | SESSION II/I | ||||||||||||||||
Architecture | Architecture | ||||||||||||||||
Chair: Belinda TORUS, Ph.D. | Chair: Emirhan COŞKUN, Ph.D. | ||||||||||||||||
https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95404797285?pwd=U3pJU3RzVHZYaDlwRjRveStQWnN2Zz09 | https://itu-edu-tr.zoom.us/j/95404797285?pwd=U3pJU3RzVHZYaDlwRjRveStQWnN2Zz09 | ||||||||||||||||
12:30-12:45 | A Meta-Analysis on The Role of Biomimetic Architecture on Obtaining Performance Requirements of Building Envelope | 14:15-14:30 | Linguistic
Representation and Architectural Terminology: A study Based on the Examination of the Arkitekt Journal |
Esra N. ERŞAHİN | Özge ÜSTÜNDAĞ GANİÇ, Funda UZ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
12:45-13:00 | Bioactive Filament Formulation and 3D Printing for Bacterial Cellulose-based Composites | 14:30-14:45 | Exploring the New Materiality at the Intersection of the Vernacular Tectonics - Contemporary Architecture - Examples from the Aegean Region | ||||||||||||||
Gözde Damla TURHAN | Öznur AKTAŞ, Ozan Ö. ÖZENER | ||||||||||||||||
İEÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:00-13:15 | Improvement of Public Buildings with Energy Efficient Design: Family Health Centers | 14:45-15:00 | Honestly Visible, Visibly Honest: Problematizing Pugin's Technologies of Architectural Authenticity | ||||||||||||||
Ahmed B. GÜLEŞEN, Hatice D. ARSLAN | Hüseyin F. BALCI, Funda UZ | ||||||||||||||||
NEÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:15-13:30 | Improvement Insulation Aspects of Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) Panels by Using Phase Change Materials | 15:00-15:15 | Architecture for Nobody | ||||||||||||||
Yalda SAFARALİPOUR, Mustafa Erkan KARAGÜLER | Şule OTÇU, Pelin DURSUN ÇEBİ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İTÜ | ||||||||||||||||
13:30-13:45 | Effects of Nano Tio2 Application for Cementitious Materials: A Review | 15:15-15:30 | Rescaling the (Lost) Bodies in Architectural Space: Alice in Wonderland Syndrome | ||||||||||||||
Sahar M. ARDİ, Halet Almila ARDA BÜYÜKTAŞKIN | Hülya YAVAŞ | ||||||||||||||||
İTÜ | İAÜ | ||||||||||||||||
15:30-15:45 | An Assessment on The Corridor in Unit Housing Planning | ||||||||||||||||
Pınar KILIÇ ATASELİM, Sevgi TÜRKKAN SROKA | |||||||||||||||||